‘I Lost a Job Because of My Tattoo’
If you’re questioning my use of the photo above, I am too…jk. I actually made the above photo for a GQ contest online about a year ago, and had some fun with Photoshop while I was bored. Even gave myself a few tattoos.
(Fun Fact: this wound up on Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s Twitter & GQ used it on their Instagram. Moral of this *parenthesied snipbit*: If you’re bored, create shit…you’ll never know where it’ll wind up.)
Okay, a bit off topic, but here’s how I’ll bridge ’em both…Today I got bored at work – again.
Here’s what happened: I had to make a graphic for my full-time job for Tattoo Day and got lost in Google’s wasteland. And of course, I started googling stories of people losing jobs over their tattoos, etc.

After my Google session, here’s a few stories that popped out (via bbc.com):
- Karla Valentine – ‘I was told I’m a bad example to children’
I’m 35 and quite heavily tattooed. I had a job as a mid-day assistant at a school. I was taken on having tattoos and facial piercings which during the winter months was fine as I was covered up, but when the summer arrived my arms were on show.
I was promptly issued with a “standards of dress” guide. It said that visible tattoos and facial piercings were not setting a good example and should be covered up. This was the first bit of communication I had received during my job.
I was good at my job and the children seemed to like talking about my tattoos. I did start a bit of a campaign but I didn’t want to work in an environment that said because I have tattoos and a piercing I cannot do the job.
After a week or so I went to see the headmaster and resigned with immediate effect. He had called me in to have meetings with personnel over the issues I had raised, but I didn’t feel I wanted to work in a place that discriminates against tattoos and piercings and I don’t believe I should have to fight to justify that I’m a hard worker and a decent person.
I just feel it’s sad that in 2014 we can be so discriminatory about people’s choices, I feel sad that children grow up being taught these shallow-minded views. The best bit was that after a month or so of me leaving they had a school fete with a temporary tattoo stall for the children!
- Jef Teddington – ‘I was told to cover up’
I have both full sleeves and my previous employer stated you had to cover all tattoos when in work hours, which I found wrong because other members of staff were allowed to wear earrings which is another form of body modification. One rule for one et al.
I now work for a company that does not discriminate against tattoos. I am currently a contract manager for a hospital. In my previous job I was an operations manager where their policies stated that all tattoos had to be covered up at all times. This included any contractor working on site.
- Amii Parr – ‘My job interview was terminated’
I’m a heavily tattooed 20-year-old girl. I’ve had very mixed reactions to my art. I find that because I’m such a young girl and have as many as I do (I lost count at 50) that people either love them and find me brave or hate me and insult me by using my tattoos as ammunition.
I’ve even had an employer hang up the phone on me when they found out I had tattoos.
About a year and a half ago, in 2012, I applied for a job as a waitress. It was a half telephone interview, half seeing when you’re free. It was going fine. The employer started talking about the uniform. When he said it was short-sleeved, as soon as I said I had my arms tattooed, he just hung up.
I was working as a shop assistant in a mobile phone shop when a customer started screaming in my face. They had some problems with their top-up I was trying to help them with but they had bought it from another shop and I couldn’t give them a refund. They completely switched.
“You’ve only got this job because you’ve got tattoos,” they shouted. They were saying I was disgusting and I’d let down the company. They just really kicked off – you know, when they do that look when they tut and they spit at the same time. And then walked out of the shop, so I went round the back and cried.
I have had awards for my customer service and in that shop my manager had sleeves, my other manager had a neck tattoo.
I’m not rude or horrible. I don’t do drugs or anything. I work hard, pay bills, do charity work for animals and yet they call me disgusting names for no reasons. The art I have isn’t even offensive. Just cause I’m heavily tattooed doesn’t mean I’m nasty, scary or stupid.
I guess, it begs the question – would you hire a tattooed professional?
Is there a line? Is a bare cock inked on an employees neck a bit too much? Are naked breasts on forearms too wild?

Where do we draw this imaginary line? Here’s what smart lawyers say: http://swartz-legal.com/can-fired-tattoos/
In my opinion, it boils down to this…Make sure you don’t go full Hangover and tat your face over one drunken-black out night.
If it’s meaningful and non-offensive, great! If it’s not meaningful and offensive, great! Just…please don’t let it show while interviewing for a job.
Once you’re hired and in the clear, show that shit proudly. If anything happens – you may have a lucrative lawsuit / amount of gold on your hands. (Sometimes, quite literally).

I’m a journalist, filmmaker, and photographer who has done work for the New York Rangers, New York Giants, Philadelphia Eagles, SBNation, Men’s Fitness, Muscle & Fitness, Kelly & Ryan, Good Morning America, and more. I also can’t sing, but somehow made my way on tour with Kelly Clarkson. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯