Arnold Schwarzenegger Visited My Office and Changed My Life Forever
Today I met Arnold Schwarzenegger. He came into our office by surprise and I could tell that something was up because everyone on our floor got quiet. The air drew every last drop of sound until it was as silent as the lambs. Then the most recognizable voice of the past three generations boomed throughout the hallway entrance. Arnold went around and shook everyone’s hand and started conversation with each and every employee – then he stopped at me.
It was as if he stared into my soul, I didn’t know what to do. I shook his hand, and he started talking. I was too shook to squeal a word (besides an awkward hello) because this man was my hero since I was a kid. (I was insanely nervous to talk to this man, so cut me some slack….)
See, this man was not just a bodybuilder, but an actor, politician, advocate, filmmaker, and MARRIED A KENNEDY (for those of you who know me, my whole Irish family used to worship JFK…even have an old picture of John framed that used to hang in my grandma’s kitchen). I wanted to be Arnold (and I still do)– he accomplished every dream and fascination that my soul desired. I want to be an actor, I want to be a filmmaker, I want to be an artist, I want to become a politician later in life, and I want to marry a Kennedy. (*nervous laughter* jk Kait, this was written before I met you…but coincidentally there are a ton of similarities between you and Jackie lol said too much :0) Meeting a man that so closely resembled my ambitions was the ultimate inspiration…I knew at that moment I could achieve anything if I work my ass off and persist, persist, persist.
We talked about college, and our future ambitions. We talked about my family, and his favorite movie. Then I took some photos and shot a video with him in our Chief Editor’s office. (Rest in peace Shawn Perine –you were an amazing human being and I’ll never forget you man). He said a few words to slight our magazine’s owner David Pecker (story for another time), He then walked out of the office and left…but not before I took one photo of him in the elevator. (Look into my eyes, you can see me shitting myself).
But that’s not where the story ends. I found out from our Editor-in-Chief that during their lunch together & as they raced the New York streets in his limo (no lie, Shawn had gotten back and said he feared for his life by the way Arnold asked his limo driver to navigate lol), Arnold brought me up by name. He told Shawn that he admired every young person making their own way through life. He acknowledged the struggle, the passion, the grind. He told Shawn to give me one piece of advice. He said there is something special, there is greatness in you. You may be fighting an uphill battle, but remain steady and grounded, and you will rise to the top.
Thank you Arnold. Just what I needed at this point in my life. I will never forget our meeting.
(Update: Almost two years later, and I haven’t forgotten. What you said has inspired me everyday, and I credit a ton of the cool shit I’ve done in the past two years to you – Arnold Schwarzenegger. Thank you. Also, I can’t end this without mentioning Shawn Perine. Thank you for all you’ve done for me. I didn’t know you for as long as I had hoped, but you were the best Chief I’ve ever had. You were the exemplar for how leaders should run their tribes. This story is just one of many examples of how open your heart was man…you didn’t have to tell me what Arnold said in the limo, you didn’t have to trust me with taking video of Arnold and all the other amazing experiences I had while at Muscle & Fitness, you didn’t have to…but you did. You did because you always looked for opportunities for people to prove themselves, you gave young people a chance…and I admired that. I always will. You will forever be a part of my life story.)
This a personal letter I wrote to myself in iPhone Notes almost two years ago. Every major moment in my life I write down immediately after so I can so I can look back one day and smile…that’s how this blog was born. Everything in parenthesis “( )” is what I added after, everything without is a part of the original letter.
In memory of Shawn Perine (1966-2017).

I’m a journalist, filmmaker, and photographer who has done work for the New York Rangers, New York Giants, Philadelphia Eagles, SBNation, Men’s Fitness, Muscle & Fitness, Kelly & Ryan, Good Morning America, and more. I also can’t sing, but somehow made my way on tour with Kelly Clarkson. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯