Brian's Blog

How Disney Turned Us All Into Sydrome Leading Up to ‘Incredibles 2’ Premiere

Frozone, Violet, Dash, Jack Jack, Elastigirl, Mr. Incredible, and most importantly Edna “Mode.” (Cue old secretary lady voice). 14 years ago, The Incredibles flew into my life and changed it for EVER. Am I exaggerating?


And I guarantee, an entire generation of CatDog, Rocket Power, and Drake & Josh fans would have to agree with me. The Incredibles not only created a world within our imagination, but it touched the very fabric of our lives. (Legitimately…I bought a Frozone costume for myself, and Jack Jack booties for my newly-born sister.)

How many people can remember the scene where Dash was running through the god-forsaken jungle with Violet spewing out a force field, crushing everything in its path?

How many of you still have the mental image of Mr. Incredible sitting in traffic in his incredibly tiny station wagon? (Now that I drive, I feel his pain)

Then coming home and lifting the metal carcass over his head? How many of you remember the tricycling-toddler at the end of the driveway & his face as he looked up, popping that bubble gum?

Better yet, how many of you remember…”Honey, where is my super suit….WHERE IS MY SUPER SUIT??!”

But, hold on Disney. Though the movie’s scriptwriters did a superb job, and I thank you Walt for gracing me with a large majority of my pleasant childhood memories, WHY THE F*CK DID YOU HINT A SECOND MOVIE IN ‘THE INCREDIBLES’ END SCENE (remember the Mole Man?) IF YOU DIDN’T PLAN ON RELEASING A SEQUEL FOR ANOTHER 14 YEARS!

How many of you are a little pissed with Disney?

I am. Because on November 5th, 2004, I became a superhero.

But, now on June 7th, 2018, I find myself as Syndrome…Once Mr. Incredible’s biggest fan – until the day I was blindly forgotten and rejected.

“My name’s not Buddy AND it’s not Incredi-boy either!”

Well Disney, thanks for forgetting me for 14 years…thanks for leaving me alone in the hopes one day Mr. Incredible would return. Thanks for leaving me to hear my sister quote Edna every time she gets a little drunk. Thanks for making me grow out of my Frozone Halloween costume to watch the next sequel. …and thank you for having to make me fit back into it for the premiere next Thursday.

…To be honest, even though I’m now a ‘Jimmy Neutron’ red-headed villain shooting lasers out of my crafted wrist cuffs, I still love you Disney. I mean………….INCREDIBLES 2!!!!

I just bought my ticket, did you?