“Taylor Ham” or “Pork Roll?”
I call it New Jersey’s Mason-Dixon line. So where’s the dividing line between North and South Jersey? Is Central Jersey a thing? And yes, F*ck you to anyone who denies we don’t exist. Just take a look at this diagram I so carefully crafted below:
So now I ask a question that all Central Jersey people deal with…is NJ’s unofficial meat called “Taylor Ham” or “pork roll?”
The controversy emerges – time and time and more time – again on reddit, Twitter, and nj.com’s piece of shit website. Just kidding, they offered me a job there and I declined…ya’ll are very good people. Bless you. You just don’t pay.
Sorry, I’m spitting fire mixed with Venom today, cause Eminem’s new album Kamikaze has me stepping out of body… I’m a Nice Guy, it’s just this diss is cause I’m pissed you don’t believe in my existence. I raise my fist. Central NJ is by far the Greatest! (That was only word play for all you ‘Em fans. And to all ya’ll central NJ wanna-be suburban high school rappers, I’m joking. No shade(y). *haha* – *sarcastic giggle*)
Eminem’s new album aside…the “Taylor Ham” and “pork roll” thing only continues to blow up on social media, inflaming passions and pitting North against South, brother against brother.
I call it our modern Civil War. In fact, I can specifically remember in college (I went to Rutgers New Brunswick) our student body president Matt Panconi debated this issue slamming the judge’s gavel in favor of pork roll. (He’s from South Brunswick).
This caused a fire storm of media coverage and debate (I guess it was a slow news day ehemmmm nj.com). But, seriously, it is a real concern in our area. Even Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert, our country’s saviors, felt the need to chime in:
Here’s some more (scientific) findings from an recent NJ.com story below:
Check it. Does your belief in “pork roll” sync with your neighbors’? Make sure you are up-to-date with the current trend folks because you don’t want to ask for a “Taylor Ham” in the wrong neighborhood…might be fatal, especially with them Southern Jersey folks of which I am now part of.
(Fun fact: Yeah I just moved to South Jersey, and totally living a lie. Mom forgive me. I have to switch my Giants jersey to Eagles as I cross the Delaware River. Much respect, Benedict Arnold. I find it hard to change into a redcoat while I’m driving. But I do it to survive.)

So “pork roll” or “Taylor Ham?” Comment below with your answer.
BTW you know what’s funny, I don’t even eat this sh*t…so why does this matter so much to me – you ask? Cause Central Jersey exists. Don’t believe me? Eat a d*ck. – Eminem.
Oh and btw, I will have a couple of more debates in the future…is it “water ice” or “Italian ice”? Hoagie, sub, or hero? As I being my journey into the depths of the Garden State, I find myself becoming more “cultured.” I shall share all my new-found knowledge with you here on “Brian’s Blog.”

I’m a journalist, filmmaker, and photographer who has done work for the New York Rangers, New York Giants, Philadelphia Eagles, SBNation, Men’s Fitness, Muscle & Fitness, Kelly & Ryan, Good Morning America, and more. I also can’t sing, but somehow made my way on tour with Kelly Clarkson. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯